FCC Kids is a fun and safe environment in which we teach kids, 5 years old through 5th grade, to love God and love others!
We meet Sunday mornings at 9:30am for Sunday School and 10:30am for Kids Service. (Nursery for newborns-4 year olds is available starting at 10:15am.)
We also meet Wednesday nights at 7pm.
Our three main events each year are a community Easter Egg Hunt on the Saturday morning before Easter, a week of Vacation Bible School at the end of July, and a Christmas Program in December.
We also like to host family nights that may include: snacks and a movie, games, water, bikes, and more!
We primarily need volunteers to help wth our three main events! Contact Tiffany Graves for more info by email at fccbaxterkids@gmail.com, by call or text at 417-621-8144, or in person at church.