What is the mark of a follower of Jesus? How do you identify one? Is it church attendance? Is it how many minutes a week they spend in Bible study? Or is it something else that identifies the follower of Jesus?

     In Matthew 25, Jesus tells a parable about who is getting into heaven and who isn’t. We could say it’s a parable about who is really following Jesus and who isn’t. He says that people will be divided into sheep (the followers) and goats (those who aren’t actually following Jesus). Jesus then says the dividing line between the two groups isn’t church attendance or number of crosses hung up at home. The dividing line is in acts of service done to Jesus. He says, “This group is in because they fed me when I was hungry, visited me in prison, helped me when I was sick.” He says the other group isn’t in because they didn’t serve him when he was in need.

     Then the big question is asked. The in group says, “Lord, when did we ever see you in need and help you?” Jesus answers them in Matthew 25:40, “And the King will say, ‘I tell you the truth, when you did it to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were doing it to me!’”

     The sign of a follower of Jesus isn’t taking notes during the sermon or knowing all the words to the worship songs. The sign of a follower of Jesus is enthusiastically greeting strangers at the door, getting there early to prepare the coffee and communion, and watching little ones in the nursery. The sign of a follower of Jesus is serving others. But not only is it the sign of following Jesus, it’s where Jesus is. When you serve, you are close to Christ because the one you are serving is Jesus. Whatever you’re doing for others, you are doing for Jesus. 

     Thank you for serving. Thank you for following Jesus’ example. Thank you for being an example to the rest of us of what following Jesus really looks like.