Hello church. Recently, our world outreach team and the board decided to make a change in how we interact with world missions. Around 4,000 dollars of our yearly budget is set aside to be sent to world missions. Previously this amount went to a national Disciples of Christ group that would take money from hundreds of churches and send it out to missionaries who had a need. While there is nothing wrong with this, we felt like it wasn’t personal enough. We wanted our church to feel more of a connection with the mission of Christ around the world.
So, we decided to instead support one missionary family with our mission's money. This way, we will have a direct connection to missionaries and their particular mission field. We decided to support Mac and Olivia Johnson and their mission work in Poland.
We just played a video in church where they introduced themselves to us. If you want to, you can find this on our Facebook page by watching the church service from 6/25. We will receive regular updates from them that we will share in church. The goal is that we feel connected to what God is doing in Poland and through this missionary family and their ministry.
We ask that you Please keep the Johnson family in your prayers, Poland and its people in your prayers as we support the mission of Christ working in their midst. God bless!